Encounter between Lady Bonny and Patchy Paws Harland on May 27

By Antiquity Times Reporter Mike In the middle of the partially server fall out, a situation occured, which left traces on our Lady Bonny – we bring the latest news here and cross fingers for Bonny’s recovery. ℬonnу ℬlαkeωeℓℓ (Bonny Blakewell): everyone missing items should be gettting nowPatchy Paws Harland (Testimo Haalan): nope!ℬonnу ℬlαkeωeℓℓ (Bonny … Continue reading Encounter between Lady Bonny and Patchy Paws Harland on May 27

Antiquity Honours and New Years Ball to be Held Saturday, 8th January, 2022/1822

Each year, Antiquity honours residents who have contributed to our mutual enjoyment and strength as a community. As noted in the current Calendar, this year’s event will take place from 11 am to 1:30 pm SLT in the Grand Ballroom of the Chateau de Clagny, residence of His Serene Highness Prince Jacon Cortes de Bexar, … Continue reading Antiquity Honours and New Years Ball to be Held Saturday, 8th January, 2022/1822